"To be Loved is a Wonderful Thing"

Saturday, June 27, 2009

2PM's Nichkhun and David Archuleta

eh ini cuma pendapat gue aja yaaaa, maaf kalo ada yg gak setuju
don't you think 2PM (Korean idol group)'s Nichkhun and David Archuleta look alike? hehe really, if you see them in a flash, they do look alike. despite Khun is Thailand and Archuleta is American.
they have one thing in common, they're singer. and if you listen carefully, their voice somewhat sounds alike too -_- but the difference is, Archuleta doesn't dance wuahahaha pendapat gue doang sih gak tau kenapa ngerasa aja mereka mirip


Rafika said...

itu nickhunnya ganteng2 semua, archienya cute huahwuahwu tp kataku mukanya ga sama ah, suaranya? mungkin...... tp bagusan archie mehehehe

Yulisa Asti Winata said...

iya lucu lucu emang haha oh gitu ya hmm kenapa aku ngeliatnya sama ya -_- suaranya, tau deh bagusan mana wkwk

Anonymous said...

eh iya ternyata ada juga yg mikir mereka miripp, mukanya mirip bgt sama2 cute >,<