"To be Loved is a Wonderful Thing"

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

homework (lagi)

yo karena request foto 'pr' itu yang ngasih banyak bgt (jiye sok ah lu), jadi gue ngga enak kalo semua digabung ehehe iyadeh nih ya gue bikin sendiri-sendiri. pr nya dari Yasmin, Mutia, Bita, Rifi, Ranceh

These are the rules:
1. take a recent photo of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now

2. don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair, just take a picture

3. post that picture with no editing

4. post this instruction with your picture

5. tag 10 people to do this

bah parah bgt kan =____= itu gue baru bangun tidur, buka blog di hape. terus yaudah deh gue poto. itu gue ngga fix my hair ya, ampun mana close up lagi fotonya heeee

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