"To be Loved is a Wonderful Thing"

Sunday, October 26, 2008


ah maaf lupa bilang post tadi source nya www.crunchyroll.com/group/Kato_Shigeaki and you knoooow, gue ketemu lagi loh hal-hal aneh lagi tentang shige hihi tau deh bener apa engga, tapi ini sih kayanya kesimpulan orang, jangan dianggap terlalu serius hahaha oki doki

Shige's Perfect Girlfriend:
1. You have long brown hair. yaaah kok coklat sih? kalo rambut item mau ya ge?
2. You have big eyes with a catty face. eeeh? catty face? muka gue kaya kucing nggasih?
3. You're tall and have great style. yeees gue tall kook, tapi kalo ama shige......
4. You have white skin. -______- kulit gue coklat
5. You're very healthy. YES! very healthy kok
6. You go with the flow good. hmmmm?
7. You laugh alot. hah masa laugh a lot? entar disangka gila dong, tapi gue hmm
8. You're really happy with whatever you get. iya kook tenang aja! hehe
9. You get mad when you need to. ngga ngerti
10. You can make kinpira gobou. apa itu?
11. You can make milk crepe. engga bisa -__-
12. You can fold the washed clothes neatly. bisa tenang ajaaa, tinggal balajar
13. You can show your feelings on your face. bisa ngga ya, bisain deh
14. You can talk about movies. BISA hehehe
15. You're good at singing. yaaaah suara gue jelek
16. You can play fighting games. BISA ge tenang aja hahay
17. At the movies we laugh at the same timing. wah engga tau deh ya hmm bisa bareng ga yaa
18. You love flowers. oooh yes i do love flowers
19. You'll clean your room. kadang-kadang, hehehe
20. You have similar taste in music. sama koook hihi i love news yees
21. When i'm taking a nap, you'll put a blanket on top of me. PASTI! tanpa lo suruh juga gue mau kok, tiapa hari kan? hahaha
22. You wash my back in the bath. kyaaaaa mau banget!
23. You go to use my arm as a pillow. ini apalagi! aaaaaa nose bleeding haha
24. You have good style of clothes. hmm bagus insya Allah ya
25. You have a very good nature..Inside. iya aja deh
26. You have a goal. oh yes i do have
27. You love me until i die. DEFINITLY
28. You have a cute sleeping face. muka gue pas tidur lucu ngga sih?



Difa said...

weh gue memenuhi syarat men (boong banget)

Yulisa Asti Winata said...

hahaha heeeebat