"To be Loved is a Wonderful Thing"

Friday, October 30, 2009

Good-luck, Boom!

"We traded gifts and letters. She also cried a lot, I tried to stop her from crying, but it didn't work. Also, I looked up on the internet what guys who leave for the military should do for their girlfriends prior to leaving. It said to never ask the girlfriend to wait, therefore I tried to be a man and told her to leave. But at the end I got on my knees and begged her to wait for me. She then helped me pack everything I needed. I hope to continue building our beautiful love."

baca baca baca!!! itu kata-kata Boom sendiri waktu dia cerita tentang malam terakhirnya dia bakal pergi buat tugas kemiliteran. as you know ya kan Boom itu udh pernah ngaku kalo dia udah punya pacar dan baru 5bulan, dan skrg harus pisah lagi....gak sebentar. yg gue baca, Boom will be released in 2011. owwwhat?!?!?!? berarti setahun penuh 2010 gue gak bakal liat Boom dong? HUHUHU bakalan kangen liat dia ngocol di youtube, starking dll. tapi ya mau gimana lagi ya itu tugas sih. balik ke awal, yaampun itu Boom sweet banget ya, ih itu ngerti banget gue. jadi dia sebenernya gak rela buat ngelepas cewenya, tp drpd nahan cewenya buat nunggu dia selama setahun lebih lbh baik Boom nyuruh cewe itu pergi, tapi ujung-ujungnya, I got on my knees and begged her to wait for me. huuuuu (source: here)
well, cuma bisa bilang goodluck Boom :)

terakhir, masa gue baru sadar kalo Epik High's Tablo itu mirip sama Lee Hyukjae, OHMY dan hrs gue akuin Tablo itu gggganteng hehe. telat abis ya gue,abis Tablo nikah gue baru sadar dia ganteng. mana istrinya cantik bgt lagi liat disini disini
whuah maaf ya kalo ini isinya kpop semua, gue gak begitu punya bnyk cerita sih

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