"To be Loved is a Wonderful Thing"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

japanese house

dasar ya orang jepang terlalu kreatip. liat deh itu rumah-rumah bikinan arsitek jepang. keren deh, kata gue sih iya

eh terus ada satu yang unik, gatau deh fungsinya buat apa

Japanese Concrete-pod. Japanese architect, Kazuya Morita, created the Concrete-pod; a dome shaped, micro-space hideaway for private and public use. The dome holes connect the indoor with the outdoor environment increasing our sensitivity for deep relaxation and contemplation in nature. Made from the fiber reinforced concrete, which is the mixture of white cement and light-weight aggregate and glass fiber, the pod diameter and height is 1700mm each, thickness of shell is 15mm only. To get a perspective, a minor axis of a hen’s egg is about 40mm and thickness is 400 micron.

oooh ternyata buat relaksasi, hahaha bagus yaaaa kalo aja gue begituan. wanna see more? click this! busyboo.com


Difa said...

ini sih ide ide gue dicuri mereka yul wakakaka

Yulisa Asti Winata said...

eh gimana sih ide kita berdua kan huh. hahaha

Rafika said...

pengen punya rumah yg bulet bulet itudeh ya -_-

Dinda said...

kreatif banget deh

Difa said...

makasih din

Bita said...

komennya kak difa -_- EH ITU RUMAHNYA BAGUS BANGET (ganyante) kapan eke punya rumah kayak gitu ya...

Yulisa Asti Winata said...

dinda: iya bangetttt. bita: iya kapan yaaaa ah kepengen juga deh -_- masa kita perlu pindah ke jepang (?)

Rafika said...

hem mendingan ngedesain rumah sendiri aja hahahaha (sok bisa -_-)