eh gue dapet pr dari nih Difa, Yasmin, Mutia, Bita ck musim liburan gini gue masih dpt pr juga ya. nih nih
1.Memuat foto pribadi ala kadarnya (no edit)
2.Disebarkan ke beberapa orang
These are the rules:
1. take a recent photo of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now
2. don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair, just take a picture
3. post that picture with no editing
4. post this instruction with your picture
5. tag 10 people to do this
disebarkan kepada Anda, Archi, Bita
udah deh 3 orang aja, selebihnya bersambung ya hahaha
eh jangan lupa dikerjain ya cinta
woooooooooww yuel amazing! hahaha
-_-" hueheheh
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