"To be Loved is a Wonderful Thing"

Thursday, December 25, 2008

another homework

ho i got another homework from Febby Farelin. temen sd gue loh! haha tiba-tiba kita ketemu gitu di blog, dan ini pr nya:

The Rules : The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the quetions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.

1. The Age of My Next Birthday


2. The Place I'd Like To Travel

japan, of course

3. Favorite Place

computer desk, hahaha

4. Favorite Food

ramen, japanese noodle

5. Favorite Thing

my handphone yang bisa berguna jadi walkman juga ohoho

6. Favorite Colour

brown :)

7. City I was Born, 8. a City that I've Ever Lived injakarta yang sumpek dan banyak asep -_-

9. a Nickname i had
Yuel, Yulisa, Tuyul, Yul, El
(nyari di google ngga ada)

10. College Major

Pharmacy, maybe?

11. Name of My Love
huruf depan nya....... ngga jadi ah, HAHAHA

12. Bad Habit

cepet bosen

13. Hobby

nonton bioskop!

14. Wishlist

punya duit hasil sendiri yang banyak, kuliah di jepang, ketemu news dan dbsk

yang dapet pr: Difa, Rifi, Kya, Rafika, Dinda JJ, Bita, Tissa

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